Anne Hajek, CCH, BFRP, BIEP Trainer

Certified Classical Homeopath

Bach Flower Registered Practitioner

Bach International Education Program Trainer

Contact: 952-222-7679

All information and classes are meant for educational purposes only.

Please contact your doctor or go to the ER for a medical emergency.

prevention & wellness

Improve your health by strengthening your constitution.  Remedies give your body the nudge it needs to heal itself.    Consultations are done via phone or zoom.  Call or use the contact form for more information or to schedule your appointment.

 Try patching for wellness

Tuberculosis & Measles
March 20: 6:30pm central

March 20: 6:30pm central

Bach Flower Level 1

​April 22, 29, May 6, 13

6pm-9:30pm Central

Click here for more info


There is Hope in Homeopathy

A Non-transdermal patch that stimulates your body to heal.  It's like homeopathy in a patch! No stimulants, no chemicals. Your body heals itself.  Safe & effective.

Click Here to Order

*It will look you have 2 items in your cart when you order on subscription, however you will only be paying for 1 item.

**Contact me if you are ordering for more 2 people or more