Anne Hajek, CCH, BFRP, BIEP Trainer

Certified Classical Homeopath

Bach Flower Registered Practitioner

Bach International Education Program Trainer

Contact: 952-222-7679

All information and classes are meant for educational purposes only.

Please contact your doctor or go to the ER for a medical emergency.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy was founded over 200 years ago by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who was a medical doctor, chemist, and a linguist, speaking at least 11 languages.  Homeopathy is currently the second largest primary health care system in the world. In the United States, Homeopathy’s popularity is steadily growing. People are turning to Homeopathy because they understand that in order to become truly healthy, one must treat the root cause of illness and not just the symptoms. Suppressing symptoms, or taking pharmaceuticals to mask their symptoms, is a temporary solution at best.  Addressing the whole person naturally is a long-term solution to modern states of illness. This is exactly what Homeopathy does safely and effectively.

Homeopathy recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the client who needs the treatment, not the dis-ease. As the whole person is treated, Homeopathy effectively works with a variety of complaints encompassing a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Even if you are not physically ill, but feeling ‘out of sorts’, Homeopathy can work to improve your mental and emotional well being. As all realms are connected, feeling better in one area will help prevent symptoms in another. When we are in a state of balance, our bodies can achieve their optimal performance and become more resilient to symptoms and illness.

Since its development over 200 years ago, this gentle and natural system of medicine has benefited millions of people, young and old, from all walks of life, in countries worldwide.

If you would like to know more about Homeopathy, you can read an introductory book,  Dooley’s Homeopathy: "Beyond Flat Earth Medicine"free to read online by Clicking Here.